Tarn Shelf Gravel Done For Now

Thursday 11 May 2023 

Poor weather in April caused the postponement of planned work to finish of the gravelling on Tarn Shelf. With a very good forecast for the 11 May a working bee was quickly arranged, and fortunately enough people were able to help. 

Two and a half bags of gravel remained from the previous events and with two PWS officers able to join us, the work was completed by lunch time.  This allowed us to make use of the delightfully sunny conditions to enjoy lunch in such a scenic location. 

The project was made possible by a donation from former range, Trevor Norris, and as there are still funds left, we are considering purchasing more gravel to continue work in the area next summer. 

 Click here to view the details on the project to add gravel to Tarn Shelf

Prior to work

With gravel spread

Gravel spread

Packing up Henk, Stuart, Ken, Stephen & James

A clear sky day for the work
