Visitor Zone

 Saturday 15 June 2024

With easterly weather in Hobart this was the right time to be at Mount Field, where it was frequently sunny and calm. Initially we removed Broom seedling near the bridge at the park entrance, then worked our way along the bank of the Tyenna River opposite the camp ground, finding about 150 small Blackberry plants which were easily dug out. The plants put in here between 2013 and 2014 have now grown substantially, although there are a lot less than the number originally put in. Nevertheless it could be called a success, but there is quite a number of Silver Wattle and they have a limited life compared with many other plants. After lunch the plantings on the river reserve near the park workshop was checked, but things here are far from impressive with many of those still surviving showing heavy animal browsing above the tree guard height, even with guards being double ups.


A style erected giving access from the neighboring property

Plants on bank opposite camp ground


Typical of the browsing of the plants on the river reserve near the park workshop area.



