Fenton-Webster Track Maintenance

Sunday 12 Oct 08

Most of the party worked on the Fenton to Webster track, but initially two members gave the exterior timbers Lake Fenton hut another coat of Silox. Previously a full 10 litre container was needed to cover the hut, but on this occasion only approximately 6 litres was needed and it was notes that on some boards the liquid tended to just run and not soak well into the timber. This does suggest that the product is working at keeping water from penetrating the timber.

On the Fenton to Webster track some 750 metres of track was cleared of encroaching Bauera and other bushes were trimmed where necessary. Three lengths of thickish Bauera was encountered and dealt with and one area with deep pools of water was rocked over and drained and a section of boggy ground hardened with rock. Work was commenced on the one quite wet area and will be completed at a further working bee.

The track work looked quite impressive and we had the fortune to strike a lovely warm and sunny day

If you are interested in helping or for more information go to http://mtfieldfriends.googlepages.com/home

A previously deep pool of water now hardened with rocks

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